For some of us, the workplace is the environment where we feel most confident, most empowered—most ourselves. For many of us, however, this isn’t quite the case. The workplace can be daunting and dispiriting; even those who are good at what they do can sometimes feel out of their element or not as confident as they would like to be. Unfortunately, this becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. A lack of confidence can lead you to be less bold, less productive, less happy, and less efficient at what you do.

The question is, what can you do to gain come confidence? How can you actively cultivate confidence in the workplace? It’s not a transformation that can happen overnight, but there are some strategies that can point you in the right direction.

How to Gain Confidence in the Workplace

  1. First, know what you’re good at. Take some time to assess your own strengths. Pinpoint the things you bring to the team—the reasons you were hired in the first place. Perhaps it’s a particular technical skill, or maybe something “softer” (though no less important)—organization, encouragement to other team members, or something else. It goes a long way to know what you are good at; you’ll want to focus on those gifts as much as you can.
  2. On the flipside, identify your weaknesses. Identify the things where you need to improve, and even more importantly, accept them. By coming to terms with your shortcomings, you can motivate yourself to improve on them. Actively improving your weaknesses—and seeing the progress you’re making—can go a long way toward building confidence.
  3. Another tip: Look the part. Fake it ‘til you make it! Show up to work dressed for success, and be mindful of your nonverbal cues and body language. Are you hunched over your desk all day—or standing tall, strong, proud, and open? The way you present yourself to others will impact the confidence you feel inside.
  4. Focus on playing to your strengths and improving on your weaknesses, not on the things that might drag you down. In other words, avoid office politics. Getting swept away in petty stuff can sap your confidence pretty quickly.
  5. Finally, keep a folder or file of all your accomplishments, including kudos from your boss. Use it to motivate and inspire yourself when you start to feel down.

Confidence is something you build every day—and with these tips, you can start the building process right now.