Making Sure the Punishment Fits the Crime: Giving Constructive Feedback and Effectively Disciplining Employees


SKU: 407531


Develop a fair, consistent and effective approach to giving employees constructive criticism and administering discipline in the workplace.
Employers personnel decisions are subject to challenge in a myriad of different forums. Managers who take inconsistent approaches in addressing employee performance issues and disciplining employees subject their companies to significant legal liability. When employees perceive that standards for workplace conduct are not appropriately communicated and enforced it adversely effects morale and productivity and creates retention and other issues. This topic will help you develop a fair, consistent and effective approach to giving employees constructive criticism and administering discipline in the workplace. You will be able to more easily and successfully defend your employment decisions when they are challenged in a grievance or legal proceeding.

Date: 2020-07-31 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to explain the business case for having a methodical and consistent approach to constructively criticizing and effectively disciplining employees.

* You will be able to recognize when it is and is not appropriate to discipline or terminate an employee and you will be able to defend your disciplinary decisions.

* You will be able to explain the scope and necessary steps in investigating an event that may lead to employee correction and discipline.

* You will be able to review investigations and proposed actions by company department heads so as to ensure that the companys exposure to legal actions is minimized.

Why the Ability to Constructively Criticize and Effectively Discipline Employees Is Critical to Your Organization

The Crucial Role of Documentation
• Notice Documents
• Performance Documents
• Investigation Documents

Progressive Discipline
• The Just Cause Standard
• The Importance of Consistency
• Discharge as a Last Resort

Investigating Matters That May Lead to Discipline
• Determining the Scope of the Investigation
• Preparation Is the Key
• The Interview Process
• The Investigation Report
• Consequences and Follow up

HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Edward A. Trevvett-Harris Beach PLLC