Gain an understanding on Medicare and Medicaid leans and how to resolve them.Resolving Medicare and Medicaid liens has become complex, expert work. This topic will provide legal updates and guidance of howto resolve these governmental liens. The information will explain the Medicare lien resolution process in detail, including tips and tricks for both speeding up the resolution process and finalizing smaller liens. Medicaid processes will be explained more generally, including an overview of the Ahlborn process to reduce liens. Plaintiffs and defense alike are looking for ways to improve the settlement process and reduce liens this program will help you more smoothly navigate Medicare and Medicaid liens.This information is designed to give you the working knowledge of how to handle, reduce, and resolve Medicare and Medicaid liens. The biggest pitfalls of lien resolution tend to be government slowness and red tape. We will explain how to speed those processes up, how to navigate the government bureaucracy, and how to set up your own offices for faster lien resolution.
Date: 2019-11-21 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives