The Real Costs and Lasting Effects of a Data Breach and How to Limit Them (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406894EAU


Understand the risks and effects of a data breach and how to limit them in order to keep your organization safe.Almost all business now takes place through digital technology and electronic communications. As a result, those business transactions and assets (including sensitive information and critical systems) are susceptible to a variety of cyberrelated threats. Every organization must understand the risks associated with its network and business, identify security vulnerabilities and potential attacks, develop a program to limit information security risks, and prepare to respond when an information incident takes place. This topic will highlight some of the most prevalent and costly security risks in the current environment, and explain the importance of a security program utilizing people, policies and appropriate technology to identify and address information security risks. This material will explain a number of different security controls your organization can implement, how to prepare to respond when sensitive information is compromised or critical systems are attacked.

Date: 2020-01-16 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

What Is at Risk?
• Sensitive Information (Personal, Confidential, Valuable)
• Critical Systems (the Ability to Do Business)
• Funds

Vulnerabilities (Attack Vectors)
• Networks
• Older Versions of Drivers and Software
• Endpoints (Any Device)
• Third Parties
• Humans (Errors and Bad Actors)

Root Causes of a Security Incident
• Unpatched Vulnerabilities
• Human Error
• Malware
• Insider Misuse
• Loss or Theft of a Device Storing Information

Costs of a Security Incident
• Detection and Escalation
• Notification and Compliance
• Post-Incident Response
• Lost Business

Security Controls to Address Risks
• Assess Data Location(s)
• Patch and Update
• Conduct Targeted Training of Employees
• Deploy and Update Firewalls, Anti-Malware, Endpoint Protections
• Implement Access Controls and Policy Requirements
• Use Encryption (Information at Rest and in Transit)
• Program Testing

Specific Threats and How to Avoid Them
• Business Email Compromise
• Ransomware

Preparing for an Incident and Response
• Adopt an Incident Response Plan
• Test the Incident Response Plan
• Update Your Security Program

No Credit Available

Amy L. Hanna Keeney-Adams and Reese LLP, John J. (Jack) Pringle, Jr. – Adams and Reese LLP