Gain an indepth explanation of IRC Section 199A and identify how it effects the determination of entity choice.With the changes that have come into play with IRC Section 199A many businesses now struggle with determining the best entity choice. This topic will provide an indepth explanation of IRC Section 199A and identify how it effects the determination of entity choice. It will explore the positive and negative of Section 199A as it relates to entities that are taxed as sole proprietors, partnerships and Scorporations. It will then compare all three to the new reduced corporate tax. At the end of the material you will have a better understanding of Section 199A.
Date: 2020-04-03 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives
199A: An Introduction
• Defining 199A to Understand the Benefits Provided by the New Section of the IRC
• Reviewing the Rules of Section 199A to Fully Understand the Restrictions and Definitions of the New Code Section
What Is a Business’ Best Option Under 199A Regarding the Corporate Structure
• The Benefits to Each Entity Choice Under Section 199A
• The Disadvantages to Each Entity Choice Under Section 199A
• Is It Worth Changing an Entity’s Taxation Choice Based Upon the New 199A Statute?
How Can One Maximize the Benefits of Section 199A?
• The Best Provisions to Include in the Company’s Agreement to Maximize the Benefits Under 199A
• How Can We Change Current Documents to Maximize the Savings Under Section 199A?
• How Can We Avoid Any Unknown Traps Under Section 199A?
CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.
Robb A. Longman, Esq.-Longman & Van Grack, LLC