Recognize areas of online business activity that give rise to potential foreign liability.If your company or your client permits users to post content, provides or collects information online, ships goods ordered online to points outside the U.S., or uses the Internet to acquire goods or services from abroad, numerous issues arise. How enforceable are your online contractual terms outside the U.S.? In particular, will choice of law, liability limitation, and remedies clauses be valid and enforceable? When will foreign law (such as foreign consumer law) override your contract or your terms and conditions? If your company has no overseas operations, could it still be exposed to liability based on a foreign legal claim? Could your officers and directors be exposed to personal criminal liability under foreign law? What international online actions could subject your company to liability under domestic U.S. law? What are the most practical and costeffective ways of preventing unpleasant surprises in an international online context? How can you minimize your company’s exposure to international threats ranging from IP theft to statesponsored malware?
Date: 2020-04-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives