Identify practices and suggested steps that you may take during the project to assist with minimizing unexpected project impacts and cost overruns.Many sitework contractors experience impacts during project execution. The information provided at bid time may not be sufficient to plan and execute the project, nor may the scope be clearly defined. Resources and logistics need to be coordinated and steps need to be taken during the project (from project set up to project closeout) to help minimize unexpected project impacts, cost overruns and delays. How the site work contractor approaches the execution of its project is a critical factor to a successful project completion.This material will discuss how a sitework contractor should approach a site work project during the project, the types of resources and logistics needed during project execution and the coordination of its work. This topic will also provide case studies of past sitework projects which will highlight actual impacts incurred, which were a result of poor planning and coordination.
Date: 2020-11-20 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives