Learn more of the regulations and risks associated with importing into the United States and how to stay compliant with the process.
No one would disagree today that developing and implementing an internal compliance program that addresses the laws and regulations that govern the business of importing into the U.S. is the most effective risk mitigation activity an importer can undertake. Having such policies and procedures set forth in written form in a welldocumented Import Compliance Manual tells the government that your firm is serious about ensuring employee compliance with the varied and complex laws and regulations that govern your business. An Import Compliance Manual can communicate the company’s policy of strict adherence to corporate compliance procedures to employees. It can also help employees better understand their job responsibilities and what is expected of them, leading to more efficient and consistently performing employees. Having your company’s Import Compliance Program in such a written format also provides a basis for employee import compliance training. It can also provide a roadmap for conducting internal reviews and audits of the company’s compliance performance. The process of writing an Import Compliance Manual forces the importer to consider all aspects of its current compliance policies and procedures, to evaluate them, and identify gaps. It forces the company to think about how it does business, and in the process, how to improve its business practices to meet the standards set forth in the Import Compliance Program. These important steps reduce the likelihood that the company will incur penalties or liquidated damages for violations of import related laws and regulations, or, in other words, will mitigate the risk of being an importer. The How to Draft an Import Compliance Manual topic will help the importer understand the basic elements of an effective Import Compliance Program, and how to organize those policies and procedures into a written format (manual) that will be readable, accessible, and, most importantly, used by employees in performing their daytoday job activities.
Date: 2019-04-25 Start Time: End Time:
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