Time and Effort Certifications Under the Uniform Grant Guidance Update (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408586EAU


Ensure your time and effort system meets the requirements of the Uniform Guidance.Recipients of federal grant awards are required to maintain documentation (time and effort records) to support the personnel charges to federal awards. Failure to maintain proper time and effort records can result in the recovery of any unsupported personnel charges to federal awards. This topic will help you understand the requirements in the Uniform Grants Guidance (UGG) for documenting personnel charges. The material also explains the common problems with recipient time and effort tracking systems. Failing to have proper documentation for personnel charges is one of the most common errors recipients make in managing their federal awards. It has often led to large recoveries of federal funds. This information is critical so you can ensure your time and effort system meets the requirements of the Uniform Guidance.

Date: 2021-03-29 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Overview of Time and Effort Documentation
• Factors Affecting Allowability of Costs
• Direct vs. Indirect Costs
• Allocable Costs

Required Documentation
• Who Must Maintain Documentation?
• When Are Employees Exempt From Documentation Requirement?
• How Long Must Documentation Be Maintained?

Budgeting Personnel Costs
• Use of Budget Estimates
• Reconciliation

Internal Controls and Other Time and Effort Systems
• Internal Controls
• Substitute Systems
• Alternative Proposals

Noncompliance Consequences
• Examples of Audits
• Required Reporting
• Return of Funds

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Aaron Kramer Brosnan-Brustein & Manasevit