Understand the uses and limitations of seven different sources of financing for real estate projects.The COVID19 pandemic has made financing commercial real estate projects difficult. It is hard to find the right lender with the right loan package, and failure to obtain appropriate financing can be the death of a project. This material will help you identify the various types of financing which are available, from conventional bank financing to specialty financing such as SBA loans and IRS Section 42 tax credit financing. It will also review alternatives to thirdparty financing, such as joint ventures with landowners. Learn what lenders look for in evaluating a borrower and a project, such as credit strength of borrowers and guarantors, loantovalue ratios, and debtservice coverage ratios. This material will review the documents and procedures typically used in commercial real estate financings and their functions. You will also obtain an overview of the current real estate market, from declining segments to emerging opportunities.
Date: 2021-04-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives