Gain an understanding of your obligations and act accordingly under HIPAA.If your business works with health care entities and you create, receive, maintain, or transmit HIPAA Protected Health Information (PHI) on behalf of those entities, you may be considered a HIPAA Business Associate, whether or not the required agreements are in place, and subject to the obligations imposed on such business partners by the HIPAA regulations. Certain activities can place a firm in a business associate relationship, and once that’s the case, there are compliance obligations that can lead to significant penalties if ignored. This topic will help entities working with health care information on behalf of others understand the obligations under HIPAA and see what needs to be done to ensure data is properly protected and penalties for noncompliance are avoided. In this modern environment of electronic systems, potential security threats, and big penalties in the millions of dollars for noncompliance, it is essential to understand your obligations and act accordingly under HIPAA.
Date: 2021-06-23 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives