Learn the questions you need to ask and the answers you need to hear when hiring your next successful CSR.Companies have a 70 chance of selling to existing customers, while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only about 10. Studies have also shown that people are more likely to pay more if they receive great customer service. People that have a negative customer service experience are only 40 likely to be repeat customers. Clearly, good customer support leads to stronger loyalty among clients, while bad customer support can cause people not to purchase, cease patronizing a business or drive them to a competitor. Satisfied customers are valuable sources of referrals. Aligning sales and customer service teams will improve overall customer experiences and help increase crossselling and upselling opportunities. When your customers need excellent customer service, you need the best on the frontlines attending to your customer’s needs. If you have hired the right people, they will address those needs competently and with duty and purpose. Remember, even if you have a great product or service, or the most advanced customer support technology, hiring customer service reps that can do the job at a high level will be your ultimate measure of success. This topic will demonstrate that having engaged and willing employees are first in line when it comes to achieving excellent and consistent customer service within your business. When you combine product knowledge, engaged employees and accountability, your businesses’ customers will be taken to the next level. So how do you hire and keep customer service agents that will elevate your organization?
Date: 2021-06-23 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives