Gain a better understanding of the various considerations that go into making a choice of entity decision.There are a number of entity forms that are available when a business or investment enterprise is started. Many lawyers, accountants, and business people fall back on a form that they have used in the past or is recommended to them by someone who is not familiar with of the variables associated with the different forms of business. Unfortunately, it is often the case that the recognition that a poor choice has been made only occurs after the error can’t be corrected or can only be corrected at a significant cost in time, money, and effort.This topic will help anyone who is responsible for establishing a business or investing in it to understand the factors that they should be considering in making entity choices, including the benefits and detriments of the different forms of doing business or holding investments. Failure to consider these issues may result in significant additional costs, including taxes, exposure to lawsuits and administrative costs.
Date: 2021-07-13 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives