Your company processes for talent acquisition may be driving independent top talent professionals away unknowingly.In order to take advantage of the experienced work from home talent, companies need to change their process to attract and retain talent. Work from home professionals need to be selfmotivated. Companies cannot afford professionals who are not engaged in their jobs. This topic targets executives and human resource business partners who understand change needs to take place and are willing to make changes to raise their employee productivity and retention. The material discusses the difference between traditional talent acquisition and talent attraction. This difference is both attitudinal and process. Proper management and proper attraction of top talent immediately leads to increased productivity there is no commute. People arrive at work fresh and prepared to tackle their day from their home office. This information discusses how to prepare to attract top talent to your work from home workforce and then discusses top talent attraction for remote workers and their management and support.
Date: 2020-05-18 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives