Workplace Violence Preparedness (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406903EAU


Learn how to identify and employer obligations to minimizing workplace violence.News reports of mass shootings and other forms of workplace violence seem to have become almost a daily occurrence. In the aftermath of such horrific events, we are often left asking what could have been done to prevent this. This topic will help answer this important question proactively. Employers will learn to identify the different types of workplace violence, to understand their legal obligations with respect to minimizing the hazards of violence, and how to create a comprehensive workplace violence response strategy.

Date: 2020-01-10 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Understanding Workplace Violence
• Definitions
• Relevant Laws and Employer Obligations

Establishing Workplace Violence Policies Procedures
• Avoiding Workplace Violence
• Management Commitment and Employee Involvement
• Hazard Prevention and Control
• Establishing a Workplace Violence Response Strategy

Strategies to Reduce Workplace Violence
• Pre-employment Screening
• Identifying the Troubled Employee
• Reduce the Threat of Termination Violence

Domestic Violence in the Workplace
• Legal Protections for Victims of Domestic Violence
• How to Support Victims of Violence (and Protect Your Workplace)

No Credit Available

Karen Vossler-Nestlé USA