Gain a better understanding of the grief process and help the bereaved to grieve effectively so they can get on with what they need to do in life.Knowing how to grieve is an essential life skill, since none of us will escape the need to grieve in our lives. Grieving clients are often lost in their grief, not thinking clearly, and difficult to handle, yet we want to be sympathetic and comforting for their grieving. This information will give therapists, social workers, teachers, family court lawyers, judges and others who must work with these clients simple and clear paradigms to identify the stages and progression of grief. This topic includes effective interventions, handouts and guidelines for aiding the grief process, understanding how different kinds of loss are grieved differently and helping the client to process the often overwhelming emotions involved in grieving. The material is in clear, simple, understandable terms and ideas that can then be used with clients who are grieving, or withdrawing into anger or depression to avoid grieving. Effective interventions and exercises are included, so professionals will know what to do and how to do it in such a manner that they can effectively support their clients through their grieving. This is essential for anyone who works with families in the courts, in family services, in therapeutic situations, and in schools and colleges.
Date: 2019-03-07 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives