Understand the types of hazards present in the workplace what the company should and should not do both during and after an inspection.Most employers, regardless of size, must comply with the workplace safety and health standards enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or by OSHA approved state program agencies (State Plan states). Unfortunately, even the most well intentioned employers fall short from time to time, particularly those companies that don’t have a team of fulltime safety professionals on staff. Regardless, it is essential that every employer’s human resources team understand the types of hazards present in the workplace, what OSHA tends to focus on during inspections, and what the company should and should not do both during and after an inspection. Many employers do not fully grasp when and how to record injuries and illnesses, whether they need to electronically submit those records to OSHA, or how to create incentive programs that that comply with OSHA’s rules. Likewise, far too many employers misapply OSHA’s injury and illness reporting rule, some failing to report certain incidents to OSHA while others report incidents when they were not obligated to do so resulting in an inspection that might otherwise not have occurred. Human resources can play a key role in fostering a safety focused culture in their organization. This topic helps the persons responsible for safety and health compliance recognize workplace hazards and work with operations and EHS personnel to develop proactive strategies to address them. The material also explains how to comply with OSHA’s erecordkeeping rule and when OSHA must be notified of certain serious incidents such as amputations and hospitalizations. Failing to create a culture that prioritizes safety can have serious consequences and this topic will help employers understand the key steps they can take in that regard. This information is critical for employers, so they can ensure their safety and health policies procedures and programs meet the requirements of OSHA andor the State Plan state agencies that oversee safety and health compliance in the states in which they operate.
Date: 2019-04-29 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives