Gain an understanding of how access management, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and appropriate site layout fundamentals impact the longterm success of a project.Whether you are developing a 400,000 square foot transit hub near a new interchange, the latest fast food restaurant (with drive thru) in a suburban setting, or a seven story mixed use development in a newly revitalizing urban core, your project will be doomed for failure if you can’t adequately get your clients and customers to your business site and into your facility. No matter how good your product is or how wonderful your new business is, chances are that I, as a customer, will only venture there once if getting to and from and circulating around your site is a nightmare. This topic will provide you with an understanding of the challenges and successes of performing proper due diligence and comprehensive site design as it applies to access and circulation. Having a clear knowledge of how access management, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and appropriate site layout fundamentals impact the longterm success of a project, can only lead to you being a better and more valuable project team member and assure many more commercial site development wins.
Date: 2019-10-22 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives