Learn how to say no, professionally, compassionately, and with clarity.In today’s world, where customers are accustomed to being the center of the universe, receiving custom solutions, and having everything their way, it’s harder than ever to say ‘no’ without a range of repercussions. And yet, sometimes no is the appropriate response, not just for your department or organization, but for your customers as well. You can’t keep saying yes and remain viable. Nor should you say yes, knowing you can’t deliver on the promises you’re making. So, what’s a customer service professional to do?The good news is that you can and should say no at times to your customers for the betterment of all. This topic teaches you how to say no, professionally, compassionately, and with clarity Learn how to say no without guilt, shame, or embarrassment, yet do so in a way that paves the way for alternatives that ultimately serve your customers and your organization better, solidifying their allegiance, trust, and loyalty. Turn rebuffs into redirection and provide meaningful alternatives, options, and opportunities to redefine success, restore customer confidence in you, and strengthen allegiance going forward. Oh yes, you can
Date: 2021-05-18 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives