Understand the importance of owning and expending effort to create and protect your company’s brand.Many companies do not take the time (nor have the knowledge) to properly create and maintain a brand as an employer. As a result, they allow the candidates and employees to create their employer brand. Typically, do companies receive public praise for their talent attraction efforts from candidates? The short answer is NO. Who jumps on Glassdoor when they are unhappy as employees? The happy employees are busy exceeding at their jobs, and do not consider the importance of countering claims from unhappy and underperforming employees. This material will help executives, managers, marketing, and human resources understand the importance of owning and expending effort and money to create and protect the company’s brand as an employer. Top talent spends time to research companies prior to applying or networking into them. In order to grow professionally, they understand the importance of being surrounded with other top performers all working as a team. Therefore, top talent attraction is dependent upon top talent retention. This information discusses simple steps to prepare for top talent attraction (it is not magic), then moves on to build from those simple, foundational steps.
Date: 2020-03-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives