How to Write an Effective Nonprofit Annual Report (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409510EAU


Creating an effective annual report will engage your donors, increase the potential for new partnerships, and attract more volunteers for your organization.Many nonprofit organizations of all sizes struggle with how to create a compelling and engaging annual report. Those tasked with preparing an annual report often don’t understand what should be included and what is optional. Some nonprofit organizations believe the process of creating an annual report is too cumbersome and timeconsuming. This presentation will help those responsible for creating a nonprofit annual report learn how to create an effective report that will engage donors, increase the potential for new partnerships, and attract more volunteers for the organization. The material will explain the importance of creating an annual report for an organization and how to ensure the report engages all your target audiences. You will learn how to simplify your information gathering for what to include. Discover effective themes, designs, and styles. Understand how to handle donor lists and know what the musthave content is when the space is tight. The presentation will address topics such as how to prepare financial information that your report recipients will understand, how to create an errorfree report, and how to handle bad news or challenges. You will also gain tips on avoiding common mistakes and discover how to distribute your report in new ways (beyond the traditional printed brochure) to connect with your donors, volunteers, and supporters. You will leave with a checklist to make your job easier and more streamlined.

Date: 2021-12-17 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Reasons for Creating an Annual Report
• Primary Objectives
• Ideal Desired Outcomes
• Target Audiences

Preparing to Create Your Annual Report
• Process and Roles
• Preparation Timeline
• Financial Information Preparation and Approach

Writing and Designing Your Annual Report
• Themes, Content Outline/Sections and Design
• Writing Style and Photo/Visual Treatments
• Must-Have Content and Reader-Engagement Elements

Distributing Your Annual Report
• Distribution Timing
• Print Format and Alternative Digital Format Approaches

Resources and Checklist
• Publishing and Distribution Tools/Resources and Example Annual Reports to Emulate
• Voluntary Standards
• Process/Preparation Checklist

Eric Jacobson-Ascend Integrated Media