Gain an understanding of cash flow analysis using advanced methods and projections.This topic will explore multiple models of both business and personal (business owner) cash flow analyses.The material will begin with the business ‘traditional’ EBITDA cash flow and personal cash flow of the ‘business owner’ (using the 1040 tax return, including tax schedules and K1s, and the personal financial statement). Additionally, the Global Cash Flow or combined ‘business and personal’ cash flow model will be displayed. This will be followed by the Statement of Cash Flows (using the Direct and Indirect Methods), as prepared by the CPA, the UCA Cash Flow (using the Moody’s software spreadsheet), Cash Basis Cash Flow, FixedCharge Coverage (FCC), and Free Cash Flow (FCF). Various cash flow projections and sensitivity analyses will also be explored. The topic will then conclude with ‘commercial real estate’ (CRE) cash flow analysis and other related real estate ‘investment’ cash flow models.
Date: 2019-02-06 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives