Using Business Processes to Organize & Streamline Back Office Operations (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 404915EAU


Learn how to define your processes in a logical workflow.Most organizations stay on point with high level initiatives, but the real work gets done at the ground level. Office and administrative processes tend to fall on the employees to figure out and often we find ourselves doing things just because they’ve always been done that way. In this material, you will learn how to define your processes in a logical workflow. This will provide the baseline for understanding where improvement is needed and how to develop contemporary solutions to old problems. Finally, you will learn how to create and execute new processes that align with your line of business to ensure continuous improvement moving forward.

Date: 2019-07-11 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

• How to Identify Current Processes
• How to Document Current Workflow
• Developing a Process Flow Map

• How to Quantify the Process
• Relating Soft Cost and Impact on Your Business

• Identifying the Root Cause of Problems/Inefficiencies
• Identifying Bottlenecks
• The Difference Between Technology and People

• Developing Solutions
• Overview of Common Office Process Mistakes
• How to Use Technology as a Tool
• Ensuring Quality and Compliance

• Test Phase
• Amend and Adjust
• Monitor

ASAP PACE ,IAAP ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Michael R. Wood-Michael R. Wood Advisory Services