The Updated Basics of Federal Grants and Single Audit Compliance (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 407519EAU


Understand what is required to successfully handle an audit, how to remain compliant and remove risk of losing future funding.Navigating the new terrain of federal grant requirements can be complex and confusing. This information will help both federal grant recipients as well as their auditors understand the basics of what is required for compliance under the Uniform Guidance, what is being audited, and where to go for resources when it comes to control procedures, costs, and audits in the federal grant environment.

Date: 2020-01-24 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

The Basics of the Single Audit
• What You Need to Know About 2 CFR Part 200 Otherwise Known as Uniform Guidance
• Thresholds
• New Procurement Requirements
• Public Access to the Single Audit Reports, and Others

The Basics of 14 Areas of Compliance
• What You Need to Know About Compliance Requirements in a Federal Award Environment
• Cash Management
• Period of Availability
• Subrecipient Monitoring and Others

The Basics of Allowable/Unallowable Costs
• What You Need to Know About Allowable Versus Unallowable Costs in a Federal Award Environment
• Audit Costs
• Depreciation
• Entertainment, and Many More

CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Carol Barnard, CPA, CFE-Aronson LLC