The Medical Record: Understanding, Managing, Retaining, and Destroying Them (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 408911EAU


Understand the legal concepts applicable to medical records management, storage, and destruction.Health care has changed and so has health record management. With considerations for the change from hard copy to electronic record, patient medical record privacy, security and management requirements and storage and destruction of records, identifying and protecting your organization from legal hardships is a priority. This topic is intended to be a flyover discussion of the general legal concepts applicable to medical records management, storage, and destruction. Included in the overview of the record management discussion is consideration of what constitutes a medical record, the merger and management of hard copy and electronic records, privacy considerations, storage and management of the medical record, management of the record in special circumstances, applicable time limits, and oversight of record destruction. As the medical record world changes, legal obligations change and privacy concerns evolve and are enhanced by federal and state law and regulatory changes, the ability to manage records while being sensitive to the implications of the web of issues related to the same. This overview is intended to provide a general familiarization with the growing requirements for a wellrun practice from the solo practitioner to the large institution and allow those responsible to identify areas where greater training and practice is needed.

Date: 2021-08-18 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

The Medical Record • It Is More Than the Chart!
• So What Is the Medical Record?
• Understanding the Challenge
• The Hard Copy
• The Electronic Record • EMR/HER/PMR
• The Marriage of Hard Copy and E-Records and Managing and Archiving Them
• The Record Custodian

Record Retention • the Basics
• Legal Requirements • HIPAA/Statutory/Contractual
• New and Current
• Inactive
• Old
• Professional Guidance
• Special Circumstances: Minority, Incapacity, Litigation

Maintaining Record Privacy and Compliance
• Omnibus Rule
• The Exposure Potential

Enter the Vendor of Record Services
• Role of the Vendor
• Identifying the Role
• Indemnity, Indemnity, Indemnity
• Record Security and the Security Breach • You and Your Vendor

The Change of Status Considerations for the Practice
• Selling and Closing the Practice

Finally, Time to Destroy the Records
• Time
• Notice
• How to Destroy
• What to Destroy
• Malpractice Considerations

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Scott R. Cook-Tyson & Mendes LLP