Creating Fiscal Policies for Your Nonprofit: Investment Policies and Reserve Funds (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409664EAU


Understand the rules and best practices associated with investment policies and reserves.Nonprofits of all types and sizes are entrusted by donors, members, and other organizational supporters with fiduciary oversight over reserves and endowments for use in achieving their missions. Ensuring the proper policies, management, and governance oversight associated with these funds is essential to stakeholder and public confidence as well as legal and regulatory compliance. It is key for nonprofit financial management professionals and those charged with governance over these funds to understand the rules and best practices associated with investment policies and reserves to protect their constituents, stakeholders, and themselves.

Date: 2022-04-20 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

The Nature of Nonprofit Investments and Reserves
• Define Reserves and Why They Are Needed
• Describe the Current Environment

Managing for Sustainability
• Reserves and Your Strategic Plan

Focus on Stewardship
• Essential Investment Policies
• Evaluating Performance

Common Pitfalls – Samples

• Further Information
• Sample Policies and Tools

Mona M. Birchfield, CPA-CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, James Mari, CFP®, CEPA® – CliftonLarsonAllen LLP