Learn how federal rulemakings are further shaping the landscape for those responsible for managing coal combustion residuals.Since the catastrophic failure of a Tennessee coal ash impoundment in late 2008, the EPA has established a more comprehensive set of regulations for the operation, closure, and postclosure care of coal combustion residuals (CCRs), including historic impoundments and landfills. The CCR Rule and complimentary Clean Water Act legislation were issued in 2015 and continue to evolve. In addition, state regulations are being introduced and may overlap with the CCR Rule. This course follows up on a similar course conducted in 2020. The speakers will help you understand the Rule revisions since 2020 and forthcoming, provide suggestions on your rule compliance strategy, and discuss practical examples from their experience assisting owners with compliance challenges.
Date: 2022-04-21 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives