Gain an understanding of the available tax incentives and which are the best for you.Many companies that are required to pay federal and state tax liabilities do not know about the various tax incentive programs offered by the federal and various state governments. Even if they’ve heard about the research tax credit or employee retention credits, they often think that their company cannot qualify for the incentive. The IRS estimates that 35 of taxpayers eligible to claim the credit actually take advantage and often understate the credit. This course will help you understand the qualification criteria of various tax incentives and what potential benefit you might see within your company. It will help you assess whether your company can qualify for the research tax credit and employee retention credits, which will bring immediate and future cash tax savings to the firm and help you identify tax benefits as your company grows and expands. If you’re considering building or moving facilities, you will also learn more about qualified opportunity zones and cost segregation studies that will maximize your tax savings. This information is critical to understanding the subsidies available for all companies performing RD, investing in alternative energy, hiring, and expanding.
Date: 2022-05-19 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives