Overpayments happen make sure you know how to recover the money properly and avoid any possible legal repercussions.
Errors happen, but when they happen in payroll and employees are overpaid, it is a minefield to understand how much can be deducted from employees future pay. Federal and state laws need to be considered as well as the type of overpayment, to determine how the money is paid back. This topic will give you the tools to understand how to handle employee overpayments, from how much can be withheld from employee pay if an employee pays back with a personal check. We will also discuss the issues surrounding employee loans and advances.
Date: 2022-08-19 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to explain federal and state law.
* You will be able to review yearend reporting.
* You will be able to discuss overpayments in the current year.
* You will be able to identify types of overpayments.