Gain a better understanding of tax reporting and allocating of gain on Form 4797.
The sale of a trade or business often creates taxable gain on the sale of many operating assets. If the sale is simply for real estate, then the gain is based upon the original purchase price, related improvements, and capitalized costs, and the tax basis may need to consider depreciation over the asset life. Other transactions may include additional assets and tangible personal property, which have additional tax issues with the sale and the allocation of the sales price.
This webinar will provide participants with the tax reporting and allocating of gain on Form 4797, including how categories of assets result in different tax answers based on the purchase agreement. The gain may be impacted by installment sales, purchase price allocations, depreciation recapture, disclosure requirements, and valuation may consider categories of assets included in the sale. A taxable sale may be different for passthrough entities or individual owners with different tax rates. This webinar will also cover additional tax forms related to the reporting of the proceeds of the sale.
Date: 2022-10-21 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:40 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to discuss U.S. tax issues related to the reporting of a business sale.
* You will be able to review U.S. tax consequences of the terms of a purchase agreement.
* You will be able to identify how U.S. ownership impacts the Form 4797 tax reporting.
* You will be able to describe the recent tax legislation that impacts asset sales.