Gain a working understanding of the risk associated with cyberthreats in the supply chain and learn strategies to mitigate them.Organizations of all sizes face cyberthreats on a daily basis. However, much emphasis to date has been put on mitigation and building resilience for threats faced directly by the firms. In reality, a firm is only as safe as its supply chain. In this course, you will learn the difference between building cyber resilience for your own firm against both direct threats and those that you may be exposed to through your suppliers. This material will introduce you to the types of threats faced through your supply chain and steps you can take to vet and continuously monitor your suppliers for cyber resilience, thereby bolstering your own cybersecurity posture. The learning is further enhanced through a few case studies. This course is targeted toward a nontechnical (nonIT) audience who are involved in middle management to executivelevel functions.
Date: 2022-08-23 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives