Do what you do best by discovering, declaring, and developing your strengths for success.The strengths we possess and the value we add should be obvious, but often, it’s not. When we identify our strengths and focus on them, we are more productive, perform better, are more engaged, and have greater joy in work and life. Strengths are a unique combination of skills, talents, knowledge, and experiences. Many of your strengths go underutilized, unappreciated, and too often, unrewarded. Having the confidence that is garnered by working in your strengths is paramount to successfully executing your goals. Honing and developing what is best in you is the right formula for sustained excellence. In as much as people need to see value in what they do, they also need to see themselves as better people for having done the work that they do. This is a fundamental shift from the deficit approach rampant in society, which involves shoring up our weaknesses. This course will help you do what you do best by discovering, declaring, and developing your strengths for success.
Date: 2022-08-24 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives