Learn how to prepare for an audit and complete the audit as efficiently and successfully as possible.U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) import regulations on the classification, valuation, rules of origin, and special trade programs, among others, can be confusing, technical, and expansive. From small businesses to large corporations, anyone who imports can be subject to these regulations. CBP regularly audits importers to ensure compliance and avoid government revenue loss through unpaid duties. Without adequate preparation, a company selected for a Customs audit risks being caught offguard by the resourceintensive demands of the audit and consequences of noncompliance. This presentation will explain the Customs audit process from start to finish, including importer responsibilities and areas of evaluation. The program will additionally cover the laws and regulations behind CBP’s audit authority and an overview of the types of Customs audits and assessments. Also discussed are the best practices for how to prepare for an audit, and providing tips and recommendations to complete the audit as efficiently and successfully as possible.
Date: 2022-10-11 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives