Understand the various provisions included in employee release agreements.
Employee release agreements are an invaluable tool in preventing posttermination lawsuits by former employees. However, it is imperative to properly draft such agreements to ensure they are enforceable. This presentation will help participants gain valuable insight into the myriad federal and state laws pertaining to employee release agreements, identify potentially problematic provisions in such agreements, and avoid the legal landmines that can result in an unenforceable agreement.
Date: 2022-12-28 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define what constitutes valid consideration for a knowing and voluntary waiver of claims.
* You will be able to discuss best practices when preparing and reviewing employee release agreements.
* You will be able to explain which types of provisions are important to include in employee release agreements to ensure they are enforceable.
* You will be able to identify which types of claims cannot be waived as a matter of law.