Make sure you are up to date on important payroll compliance issues.
The requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act are complex. Employers often misunderstand how the FLSA is applied and the requirements for paying overtime and minimum wage. Misunderstandings about these critical concepts can expose an employer to millions of dollars in back pay claims. The arrival of a new administration has led to some changes in the rules, which complicates matters further. This presentation will explain the Department of Labors rules regarding tipped employees and joint employers, how domestic service workers are treated under the FLSA, and how the earning of commissions affects the calculation of the regular rate of pay used for determining the overtime pay rate.
Date: 2023-01-06 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to discuss how commissions are incorporated into the regular rate of pay.
* You will be able to explain how tipped employees are treated under the FLSA.
* You will be able to identify the factors for determining whether a worker is an independent contractor.
* You will be able to describe a joint employment relationship.