Understand the business and regulatory realities of a nondeposit investment program.The offering of nondeposit investment products, as facilitated by banks and credit unions, is based upon a complex mix of banking, securities, and insurance laws and regulations. Complexity absent an understanding of the role of the bank or credit union and the role of the investment firm causes confusion. Confusion increases regulatory risk and causes employees to be uncomfortable, thereby decreasing the ability to effectively meet the customer’s needs. This presentation will help you identify and describe the role of the bank in a nondeposit investment product offering. With a clear understanding of the business and regulatory realities of a nondeposit investment program, you will be able to engage in a nondeposit investment program free from regulatory problems. Furthermore, you will be able to support the business activity of the nondeposit investment program in a manner that is more successful in meeting the client’s needs and thereby supporting the bank’s business interests. This presentation will provide information and tools that will be of immediate value regardless of your current understanding of nondeposit investment programs or your level of involvement in the nondeposit investment program.
Date: 2022-12-09 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives