Make sure you are compliant with the Affordable Care Acts reporting requirements.
Many employers grapple with understanding exactly how the health care reform legislation, the PPACA, applies to them specifically and what they need to do to ensure compliancespecifically reporting requirements levied upon employers. This presentation will outline the various employer responsibilities in the ACA, give clarity on which provision apply under various circumstances, and go into great detail to illuminate the reporting process the law requiresfrom 1095s and 1094s to PCORI fees and everything in between.
Date: 2023-02-09 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define employer responsibilities under the PPACA.
* You will be able to describe reporting requirements under the PPACA.
* You will be able to explain how to properly fill in 1095 forms.
* You will be able to identify whether your organization is compliant with its PPACA requirements.