Enhance the understanding of complex financial instruments allowing for greater transparency in risk managementrelated processes.As financial instruments increase in complexity, the scrutiny from authoritative bodies such as regulators and auditors also increases. Users must understand the nature of complex financial instruments, the implications of the valuation process, and the key drivers of value. Many organizations utilize complex financial instruments as part of their broader capital and risk management strategy, while many more could benefit from the exploration and use of such instruments. However, in many cases, the valuation process is not fully understood by key stakeholders, which may result in an increased strategic and operational risk to an organization. By taking a deeper dive into valuation methodologies, this presentation will help to enhance the understanding of complex financial instruments for persons involved in these types of transactions, allowing for greater transparency in risk managementrelated processes for key stakeholders.
Date: 2023-02-23 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives