Handling and Overcoming Buyer Objections


SKU: 410695


Learn how to overcome common sales objections and sell to different buyer personas.
Many sales organizations use a sinkorswim approach to hiring and deploying new sales talent. Training budgets have been cut, and spans of control are too high for sales managers to provide sufficient daytoday coaching. This can result in decreased win rates and increased price discounting when savvy buyers raise objections to standard sales pitches. In a period of high inflation and economic uncertainty, that can be devastating to a companys growth and profitability. This presentation will introduce several techniques to help sales reps and sales managers understand buyer motivations, prepare better for contentious customer conversations, manage concessions and negotiations, and overcome objections to close more profitable business. These techniques are timetested and can be incorporated into roleplay exercises for new and experienced salespeople to stay sharp on the critical negotiation skills required to stay competitive in a volatile economy.

Date: 2023-04-24 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives