Understand some of the current incentive opportunities available and pitfalls to avoid.Changes occur daily in tax laws and the implementation of those laws. Many of these laws involve tax incentives in their many forms. Often both individuals and companies plan to take advantage of incentive programs only to find that they either do not qualify or that the desired incentive has expired. When the incentive is exercised, often there is confusion regarding how to report the criteria needed to qualify for the exemption and the resultant document retention requirements. This presentation will help the persons responsible for strategy, budgets, and taxation understand some of the current incentive opportunities available. The topic will also include cautionary notes regarding the use of incentives and their derivatives as strategic planning considerations. The program will serve as a guide as to where needed information resources can be quickly located to help individuals and businesses ascertain whether to pursue various incentives and the documentation burden associated with those choices.
Date: 2023-03-30 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives