Gain an understanding of restraint and seclusion and the implementation and growth of statutory and regulatory authority applicable to providers.We will look at restraints and seclusion from historical antecedents to the modern era. You can expect to learn about the history and purposes of restraint and seclusion in the realm of medical treatment, behavioral health, and carceral rehabilitation. We will cover the modern understanding of restraint and seclusion, the implementation and growth of statutory and regulatory authority applicable to providers, and discuss cases that have helped to define the contours of what is and is not permissible with restraints and seclusion. We will offer commentary on modern approaches to the use and implementation of restraints and the use of seclusion, including best practices regarding duration, monitoring, documentation, and alternatives. The presentation will address a range of implementations in the health sphere, including suggestions for staff training on best practices and compliance with the rules and regulations.
Date: 2023-04-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives