Gain insight into the definitions, provisions, and eligibility tests of the bilateral netting provisions of FDICIA and Regulation EE.
Financial contracts often contain provisions that facilitate netting of various payment obligations and entitlements. This netting is important to both credit risk assessments and regulatory capital calibrations. Many counterparties are subject to insolvency regimes that provide special protections to these netting arrangements. However, in some cases, a counterparty may not be eligible for such a regime. The netting provisions of FDICIA may provide certainty that netting rights against these counterparties will be enforced. This presentation will help individuals responsible for assessing the risks associated with various financial contracts assess when FDICIA may apply to protect netting rights. The presentation will explain the definitions and provisions of the bilateral netting provisions of FDICIA and Regulation EE, as well as the two primary tests the Federal Reserve Board of Governors has developed to determine eligibility under FDICIA. This topic is critical for financial institutions to ensure their netting rights are protected during insolvency proceedings.
Date: 2023-06-27 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 1:35 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to recognize when FDICIA and Regulation EE apply.
* You will be able to define financial institution under FDICIA and Regulation EE.
* You will be able to identify which financial institutions and financial contracts are eligible for protection under FDICIA.
* You will be able to review eligibility under the activitiesbased test and charterbased test of Regulation EE.