Identify engagement behaviors you can use to lead your customer service team to success.
Many customer service departments are little more than complaint departments. A consumer has been disappointed with a brand to the point they need to speak out, too often when they speak out they are treated as a burden rather than a source of insight. Customer service has evolved beyond call centers and scripts. Customers who encounter a positive social customer experience are three times more likely to recommend a brand. With omnichannel communication, consumers expect more from customer service than ever before. Many brands and customer service managers do not understand how to leverage the wealth of data they accrue from the consumer. This information helps the people responsible for customer service teams to understand how first to create a team of consumer concierges and empower them to resolve issues and turn an Ow moment into a Wow moment. Learn the core elements of a successful customer service team. Failing to train customer service teams in a culture of caring results in bitter employees and frustrated consumers. Bad customer service cost businesses approximately 62 billion last year alone. This information is critical for customer service managers and leaders to ensure their customer service team is providing conciergelevel service for each guest.
Date: 2023-09-19 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET
Learning Objectives