Cultivate excellence in crossfunctional team management through a manager, team, and corporate awareness.
Every day, businesses assemble crossfunctional teams, directing the companys best resources at a problem or project and yet statistics show initiatives and projects fail most of the time. Conversely, there are many instances where insufficient resources are gathered to address complex issues, or company talent is gathered for inane projects and meetings that disengage top performers. This presentation will help cultivate excellence in crossfunctional team management through a manager, team, and corporate awareness of the unique opportunity of the collective team capability, the context, and the importance of the work they will design and execute. Managers will learn to appreciate the opportunity that is crossfunctional team management, and how to engage highlevel resources and subject matter experts. With team and corporate appreciation of the importance of the team, and the work they will put their hands to do, managers can realize excellence in crossfunctional team management and achieve stepahead outcomes.
Date: 2023-11-14 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe the business context of crossfunctional team leadership and the potential impact for you and the organization.
* You will be able to recognize when a crossfunctional team is needed, and when it is not.
* You will be able to discuss why and how to treat crossfunctional team members as stakeholders.
* You will be able to explain the importance of vision in managing a crossfunctional team.