Unrelated Business Income Tax (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409057EAU


Learn applicable rules for calculating unrelated business taxable income.Organizations that are recognized by the IRS as taxexempt are generally not subject to income tax on their activities. However, the IRS imposes what is called unrelated business income tax on certain activities. Unrelated business income tax is not fatal to an organization’s taxexempt status (and it sometimes makes sense to incur the tax), but a taxexempt organization should be aware of what it is, how to avoid it, and what the potential consequences are. This presentation will help practitioners identify activities that may cause unrelated business income tax, determine whether any exceptions or modifications apply, and evaluate the risk associated with conducting unrelated trade or business activities. The presentation will also provide information about the applicable rules for calculating unrelated business taxable income.

Date: 2023-11-02 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Does the Activity Constitute an Unrelated Trade or Business?

If the Activity Constitutes an Unrelated Trade or Business, Do Modifications or Exceptions Apply?

Do Unrelated Debt-Financed Rules Apply?

How Does an Organization Compute and Report Unrelated Business Taxable Income?

Risks of Incurring Unrelated Business Taxable Income

Emmaline S. Jurgena-Foley & Lardner LLP, Jason J. Kohout – Foley & Lardner LLP, Richard F. Riley, Jr. – Foley & Lardner LLP

Unrelated Business Income Tax (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406540EAU


Don’t let your unrelated business income result in noncompliance.
Determine what income is subject to UBI Tax with certainty in light of recent legislation. With the recent passage of H.R. 1, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it is essential the notforprofits review their internal procedures and documentation in order to comply and avoid substantial penalties enacted by this legislation. The IRS has become more sophisticated and active in the arena of unrelated business income tax. The result of noncompliance can be disastrous in terms of revenue and reputational loss to the organization. The IRS has the ability to assess penalties, sanctions and even revoke the nonprofit status of the organization. This topic will provide you with an update on the FY19 IRS Work Plan Report by the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities, (TEGE). Tax Exempt and Government Entities, FY 2019 Work Plan contains drastic revisions to the IRS compliance initiatives and a new IRS unit, Compliance Planning and Classification (CPC) Unit. The work plan is a culmination of the certain key focus areas of the IRS and the implications of the IRS Compliance Check Initiative Project. Address new issues that currently face the sector in the area of unrelated business income tax, and explain some of the nuances of what constitutes UBIT and what is mission or exempt revenue. How do organizations recognize the potential pitfalls or take advantage of new or specifically tax exempted alternative revenue sources?

Date: 2019-11-19 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Definition of Unrelated Business Income
• Recent Events and History
• Basic Principals
• Recent Legislation
• Tax Rates, Tax Forms and Organizations Subject to UBIT

What Income Is Subject to UBIT?
• Substantially Related Income
• Specifically Excluded Income
• Debt Financed Property
• Rents From Real Property Based on Net Profit

Alternative Revenue Sources and Information
• Website Activities
• Acknowledgments or Sponsorship vs. Advertising
• Partnership Investments • Review of Form K-1
• Current State of Events and Trends: Examples
• Digest of Published Rulings
• Additional Materials and Resources

No Credit Available

Joe Giso, CPA, MST-Johnson O’Connor Feron & Carucci LLP

Unrelated Business Income Tax (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 405575EAU


Don’t let your unrelated business income result in noncompliance.
With the recent passage of H.R. 1, ‘Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’, it is essential the notforprofits review their internal procedures and documentation in order to comply and avoid substantial penalties enacted by this legislation.
The IRS has become more sophisticated and active in the arena of unrelated business income tax. The result of noncompliance can be disastrous in terms of revenue and reputational loss to the organization. The IRS has the ability to assess penalties, sanctions and even revoke the nonprofit status of the organization.
This topic will provide you with an update on the FY18 IRS Work Plan Report by the IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities, (TEGE). Tax Exempt and Government Entities, ‘FY 2018 Work Plan’ contains drastic revisions to the IRS’ compliance initiatives and a new IRS Unit, ‘Compliance Planning and Classification’ (CP and C) Unit. The Work Plan is a culmination of the certain key focus areas of the IRS and the implications of the IRS’ Compliance Check Initiative Project.
Address new issues that currently face the sector in the area of unrelated business income tax, and will explain some of the nuances of what constitutes UBIT and what is mission or exempt revenue. How do organizations recognize the potential pitfalls or take advantage of new or specifically tax exempted alternative revenue sources?

Date: 2019-01-31 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Definition of Unrelated Business Income
• History and Recent Legislation
• Basic Principals
• Tax Rates, Tax Forms and Organizations Subject to UBIT

What Income Is Subject to UBIT?
• Substantially Related Income
• Specifically Excluded Income
• Debt Financed Property
• Rents From Real Property Based on Net Profit

Alternative Revenue Sources and Information
• Website Activities
• Acknowledgments or Sponsorship vs. Advertising
• Partnership Investments • Review of Form K-1
• Current State of Events and Trends
• Digest of Published Rulings
• Additional Materials and Resources

CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Joe Giso, CPA, MST-Johnson O’Connor Feron & Carucci LLP