Understand key issues that arise with an eye toward avoiding the pitfalls of potential legal claims.
Whether an employees termination is voluntary or not, an employees departure has practical and legal implications. This presentation will highlight the key issues that arise with an eye toward avoiding the pitfalls of potential legal claims, protecting the employer from unfair competition, and preserving the morale of the remaining workforce. It will cover the practical issues as well as the applicable federal, state, and local laws that are often implicated. With increased knowledge and experience in these areas, webinar participants will become more prepared to set up the legal infrastructure to minimize liability upon the conclusion of employment relationships.
Date: 2023-12-04 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to explain how to handle voluntary terminations.
* You will be able to identify key issues that arise with an eye toward avoiding the pitfalls of potential legal claims, protecting the employer from unfair competition, and preserving the morale of remaining workforce.
* You will be able to recognize how to handle involuntary terminations.
* You will be able to review the applicable federal, state, and local laws that are often implicated.