Learn more about the OSHAs requirements associated with the use of ladders in the workplace and actions required to ensure requirements are met.
Many employers and company managers responsible for operations and safety do not understand or are unaware of OSHAs requirements relating to use of ladders in the workplace by workers. Often, worksites have workers using ladders regularly that are unaware of OSHAs requirements covering their use. Deficiencies relating to the use of ladders in the workplace often result from a lack of training.
This webinar will help responsible persons understand OSHAs requirements associated with the use of ladders by workers in the workplace and important actions required to ensure applicable requirements are satisfied. Failing to meet OSHAs requirements covering the use of ladders by workers can result in a poor safety record, injuries, hospitalizations, fatalities and citations. The information presented in this webinar is critical to employers so they can ensure an effective safety program and culture.
Date: 2024-06-12 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define OSHAs requirements associated with ladders.
* You will be able to recognize deficiencies as they relate to ladder use in the workplace.
* You will be able to explain the differences between a competent person and a qualified person pursuant to OSHAs standards.
* You will be able to discuss OSHA General Industry and Construction Industry standards covering the use of ladders in the workplace.