Save time and avoid frustration when dealing with complex page numbering in Microsoft Word documents.Over one billion people around the world use Microsoft Office365, including 83 of the Fortune 500. Perhaps the most vexing topic encountered from clients’ perspective is page numbering in their complex Word documents. Simple documents require only simple page numbers (or none), which are relatively easy and quick to insert with just a few clicks. However, when a proposal or legal document has for example a cover page (no page number) than a table of contents (lowercase Roman numeral page numbers) followed by the document proper (no page number on the first page and Arabic numerals on page thereafter), then appendices (e.g., Page A1, Page A2, Page B1, etc.), the page numbers literally do not remain as simple as 1 2 3. If you don’t understand the workings of multisection page numbering, you will waste time and energy stressing out and fighting Word, or worse, miss a deadline or yikes send out a document with incorrect page numbers. Clients get frustrated with this necessary part of document creation. This topic will teach the theory and practice of the system I developed that works every time in every headerfooter of every section of every document. We’ll look at how to separate a document into sections, how to disassociate page numbers in one section from page numbers in another section (or continue the page numbering), how to format page numbers, how to know which headerfooter you’re in, how to suppress the page number on the first page, and more. If you’ve ever struggled with page numbering in Microsoft Word, you know what a crazymaker this can be. This class will deconstruct the mystery and detail how to tame this seemingly wild feature.
Date: 2024-04-23 Start Time: End Time:
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