Writing Construction Specifications


SKU: 411368


Master the art of writing construction specifications with the techniques provided by a nationally recognized expert in the field.
The demand in design firms for construction specification writers has never been greater. Specification writers must master the techniques for product selection, organizing the project manual, coordinating drawings and specifications, integrating engineering specifications, and more. As few colleges teach specifications, the specification writer learns their craft in design firms with a mentor and within the everincreasing pace of project design and construction. This topic will cover the basics of specification writing based on our 35 years of active experience on more than 4,000 projects. We identify key issues with a look to the future, as LEED and BIM require more precision within specifications than ever before.

Date: 2024-07-17 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to identify performance vs. proprietary specifications.

* You will be able to explain the incorporation of LEED and green specs.

* You will be able to describe how to implement the CSI MasterFormat, SectionFormat, and PageFormat.

* You will be able to define architectural vs. engineering specifications.

The Role of Specifications in the Construction Process
• The Value of Construction Specifications
• Types of Specifications – Sheetspecs, Outline, Short-Form, Full
• Who Writes Specifications and When?

The CSI Project Manual Approach to Specifications
• The New CSI MasterFormat 2020, SectionFormat, and PageFormat
• Bidding Requirements, General Conditions, and General Requirements
• Architectural vs. Engineering Specifications

Common Issues in Specification Preparation
• Product Selection vs. Specification Writing
• Performance vs. Proprietary Specifications
• Use of Reference Standards and Association Standards
• Clear, Concise, and Correct Language

Streamlining Specification Writing
• Specification Checklists
• Master Specification Systems
• Office Master Specifications
• Sources for Specifications Online

The Future of Specification Writing
• Green Specs/LEED® V4/V4.1 Specs
• Building Information Modeling and Specifications
• The Specifier as Knowledge Manager

ENG ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Mark Kalin, FAIA, FCSI, LEED®-Kalin Associates Inc.