Understand what a certificate of insurance is and what it can and cannot do.
This program will teach participants what a certificate of insurance is, its uses, its limitations, the best practices in securing and using a certificate of insurance, and strategies to apply when something goes wrong.
This program will teach what to do if the brokeragent does not get the right coverage and what to do when the insurance company denies coverage because of a defect in the certificate of insurance.
Those who attend will benefit from knowing how to avoid problems that may arise from getting an insufficient certificate of insurance and what to do afterward when there is a denial of the coverage you and your company thought you were purchasing.
Date: 2024-07-16 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define certificate of insurance.
* You will be able to discuss why companies require a certificate of insurance.
* You will be able to recognize how to avoid problems that may arise from getting an insufficient certificate of insurance.
* You will be able to review best practices in securing and using a certificate of insurance.